Family Issues In The Time Of Covid

Covid-19 has necessitated a transition for many families. Parents are working from home with more proximity to each other and children learning from home. Family issues in the time of COVID are a lightning rod for conflict in already upset or disrupted families*. The legal system has become overwhelmed as there is more incentive to settle quickly without time to absorb family changes.

There has never been a more important time for parents to find ways to communicate about their needs and the needs of children. Many developmental factors need to be considered with the time and adjustments parents need to make in a changed home environment.

Women are challenged with the increased demands for both their work lives and child care responsibilities. Parents may need guidance on how to remain focused in reassuring their children amid changing school schedules and requirements.

Clinicians are available to serve as mediators, co-parent counselors and coordinators. Specialists in these areas can be helpful. It is a time to help people co-parent and keep them out of court. On-going psychotherapy is beneficial for parents struggling with internal needs, especially as external events are challenging and in transition.

A lot can be learned about oneself to maintain calm and care for families during times of chaos and change. Please reach out for help. I am happy to take your call to discuss your needs.

*Addressing The Need In Families Of Divorce In The Time Of COVID, Dr. Behrman, Feb 5, 2021.