Grief Has Gone Viral

Death is present in conversations around the world with so many people lost to or affected by COVID. Robert Neimeyer, PhD of the Portland Institute for Grief and Loss, speculates that with greater than 500,000 COVID deaths in the US, 25 million cases of grief could be identified using a broad definition*. There is an increase in anxiety and depression, and a change in meaning in our lives as people tackle job loss and financial insecurity: grief has gone viral.

The losses that are experienced affect our core beliefs. We are constantly bombarded with challenges to our beliefs, be they social, spiritual, interpersonal or practical. It is hard for many of us to sacrifice our freedoms for the good of the group and the world. Our bodies have responded with increased physiological arousal, increased needs for emotional regulation and reduced social isolation.

There has never been a better time for mindfulness approaches such as breath work, meditation, yoga, stress reduction or immersion in the arts.. There can be many emotions as someone tells the story of those that died. Newfound intimacies and explored memories can refine life goals. There is much ahead if we allow for grief and transition.

Psychotherapy opens the door to a full life, helps build new memories, joys in our lives and new experiences, and a future filled with improved relationships and careers. Please reach out for help. I am happy to take your call to discuss your needs.

*Grief Has Gone Viral, Dr. Niemeyer.